17 May 2013

What Color Is Your Aura?

Result: Purple.
All those strange, wonderful, lucky things that have been happening lately? 
That's magic, and you're attracting it! 
Of course you'll use this for good, not evil, because you're catching sneak previews of the future, and only sensitivity and wisdom will get you there. 
You could rule the world, but only if it wants you to rule it.

13 May 2013

Spirulina the Super Food



Arthrospira platensis, and Arthrospira maxima.

Blue green Algae.


Spirulina is a wonderful health booster and is known to help:
Curb cravings and addictions
Alkalise the blood
Inhibit growth of fungi and mould
Strengthen immunity
Natural detoxify
Balance digestive and gastro intestinal health
Lower cholesterol.
Nutritional profile
Spirulina is a blue-green algae and it contains a wide range of valuable nutrients. Firstly it contains 65% easily digested PROTEIN, and 18 amino acids. It is a unique vegetarian complete source of protein and much of its protein has been pre-digested by the algae itself and these enzymes go on to assist in the human digestive and absorption process.
This protein source is superior because it also has lower fat, lower cholesterol and no artificial growth booster chemicals like meat and dairy protein.

Spirulina is often used by athletes and bodybuilders because of its highly nutritious, high protein, low fat and low cholesterol profile.

Spirulina is also excellent for weight control and weight loss; because it's incredible range of nutrients can help balance sugar highs and lows. When it is taken it boosts the energy levels, suppresses the appetite and rebalances the body's subtle chemistry. When it is taken over the long term it has an alkalizing effect on the body, blood and digestive system which can eliminate cravings for sugar and other addictive substances. When the body receives proper nutrition it is less likely to have an overactive appetite, so Spiralina can be successfully used as part of a weight loss plan.

Spiralina can also play an important role in detoxification. One of the reasons your mum always told you to eat your greens is because of Chlorophyll. It is the pigment that makes plants green. And humans, well it makes them healthy because it helps the body get rid of toxins, alkalise the blood, and inhibits the growth of harmful moulds and fungi, all of which are thought to be the root cause of many illnesses. So when stressed out bodies are showing a wide range of symptoms due to excess acid in the blood Spiralina can rebalance the PH levels and bring the body back into harmony and health.Spiralina is packed with:

*Vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and essential fatty acids
*Highly digestible vegetarian source of protein
*18 Amino Acids
*Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E and H
*250% more B12 than Liver!
*One of the highest plant sources of Beta-carotene (x20 than carrots)
*Iron (more than 2 cups of spinach per recommended daily intake)
*Highly alkalising for the blood
*No artificial anything


Spirulina is believed to have been a food source for the Aztecs and other MesoAmerican until the 16th-century; its harvesting Lake Texaco and subsequent sale as cakes is described by one of Cortes soldiers. The Aztecs called it Teocuitlatl, meaning stone's excrement. Spirulina was found in abundance at the lake by French researchers in the 1960s, but there is no reference to its use there as a daily food source after the 16th century. The first large-scale Spirulina production plant, run by Sosa Texcoco, was established there in the early 1970s.
Spirulina may have an even longer history in Chad, as far back as the 9th century Kanem. It is still in daily use today, dried into cakes called Dihé, which are used to make broths for meals, and also sold in markets. The Spirulina is harvested from small lakes and ponds around lake Chad.


Spirulina contains unusually high amounts of protein, between 55 and 77% by dry weight, depending upon the source. It is a complete protein, containing all essential amino acids, though with reduced amounts of methionine, cysteine, and lysine, as compared to standard proteins such as that from meat, eggs, or milk. It is, however, superior to all standard plant protein, such as that from legumes.
Essential fatty acids

Spirulina is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and also provides alpha-linolenic (ALA), linoleic acid (LA), stearidonic acid (SDA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and arachidonic acid (AA) 
Spirulina contains vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinamid), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. The bioavailability of vitamin B12 in Spirulina is in dispute. Several biological assays have been used to test for the presence of vitamin B12. The most popular is the US Pharmacopeia method using the Lactobacillus leichmannii assay. Studies using this method have shown Spirulina to be a minimal source of bioavailable vitamin B12. However, this assay does not differentiate between true B12 (cobalamin) and similar compounds (corrinoids) that cannot be used in human metabolism. Cyanotech, a grower of spirulina, claims to have done a more recent assay, which has shown Spirulina to be a significant source of cobalamin. However the assay is not published for scientific review and so the existence of this assay is in doubt.

Spirulina is a rich source of potassium, and also contains calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, and zinc.
Photosynthetic pigments
Spirulina contains many pigments including chlorophyll-a, xanthophyll, beta-carotene, echinenone, myxoxanthophyll, zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin,diatoxanthin, 3-hydroxyechinenone, beta-cryptoxanthin, oscillaxanthin.

10 May 2013

Today's Chakra Energy Levels

The Chakras represent the seven primary energy hubs in the body. 
Life force energy is constantly flowing in and out of these centers. 
Just as the cosmos is constantly changing, so too are the levels of energy absorbed and radiated by our Chakra centers. 

The graph below is a representation of the quantities of Chakra energies available today.



Sahasrara - The Crown Chakra represents energies associated with cosmic consciousness, spirituality, knowledge, wisdom and inner peace.

Ajna - The Third Eye Chakra represents energies focused on both physical and spiritual vision. Psychic powers resonate from the Ajna Chakra, as well as your image of the Cosmos as a whole (the big picture) and the many nuances that make your journey unique.

Vishuddha - Throat Chakra is the energy center associated with communication and creativity. Your energy to express yourself verbally and creatively are derived from the Vishuddha Chakra.

Anahata - The Heart Chakra’s energy is concentrated on issues concerning your emotions. This energy fuels your power to love, feel compassion and maintain balance between disparate aspects of your being.

Manipura - The Power Chakra provides the energy that fuels our strength of will, individuality and sense of self-worth.

Svadhisthana - The Spleen or Sacral Chakra supplies the energy we use emotionally and sexually. This is the energy used to connect to others.

Muladhara - The Root or Base Chakra furnishes the energy used to create and maintain our foundation. This is the energy that keeps us on firm ground and provides us with the basic skills to uphold a place in the world.

Your Daily Tarot


Temperance denotes balance and harmony. 

The forces behind Temperance are those that keep us from succumbing to temptation or over-indulgence; steer us away from developing unhealthy addictions or behaviors. 
The Temperate Spirit avoids extremes, spreads harmony and brings opposing sides together. 
They find a happy, healthy median between what they want and what they need.
Temperance provides an environment in which most will thrive, and a haven where the injured may heal, reenergize. 
Through Temperance success and contentment are found by practicing self-restraint, and using balance to create your own "shelter from the storm.".

03 May 2013

The Moon

The Moon represents those forces which remain largely hidden to us. 

The light of the moon provides some illumination down a path into the unknown, but not enough to brighten the landscape like 
The Sun, or cut through the dark shadows from which the unexpected may leap. However, 
The Moon is not without gifts we can use. She spurs our imagination and creativity. 
She can be a portal to knowledge and experience beyond the realm of our everyday lives. 
But Her offerings are not available to the feint of heart. 
To receive what The Moon offers one must have the courage to follow uncharted paths and the intelligence to find truths hidden in a bewildering setting rife with illusion.
 For those who can make this journey the reward may be finding the key to making their dreams come true.

01 May 2013

Daily Tarot

Temperance denotes balance and harmony.

 The forces behind Temperance are those that keep us from succumbing to temptation or over-indulgence; steer us away from developing unhealthy addictions or behaviors. 
The Temperate Spirit avoids extremes, spreads harmony and brings opposing sides together.
They find a happy, healthy median between what they want and what they need. 
Temperance provides an environment in which most will thrive, and a haven where the injured may heal, reenergize. 
Through Temperance success and contentment are found by practicing self-restraint, and using balance to create your own "shelter from the storm.".