21 January 2013

Understanding and healing emotions which cause disease

The interconnection between our unresolved emotions and disease is undeniable.

We know that when we feel stressed, run down, angry and resentful our bodies begin to break down. This is a way they communicate with us, telling us to stop pushing away and start dealing with what is happening.
If we want to have any chance of living happy, healthy lives we can no longer afford to lie to ourselves and to suppress our emotions. However, to deal with our feelings we must first understand what they are and how we created them.
Many people suppress their emotions unconsciously as a protective mechanism, because on some level they feel that they cannot handle the pain and intensity of feelings they are experiencing. They may also not know how to let go of destructive emotions. Emotion is then stored in the body until they find appropriate key to release these.


Resentment is deep hurt that is suppressed and unexpressed, which becomes anger. Often resentment is directed toward a family member or someone close to you. Resentment frequently comes about when you feel that you have been treated unfairly, or taken advantage of.
Long term resentment can lead to tumors, syphilis, osteoporosis, lupus, back pain etc 

Many problems in your body and life occur when you are feeling stuck, inflexible and attached to one point of view. This often takes place when the same thoughts or scenarios play themselves over and over in your mind.
Long-term stuckness or stiffness can lead to varicose veins, sciatica, RSI, rheumatoid arthritis, paralysis, obesity, mouth ulcers, kidney problems and a host of other diseases.

The whole justice system is based on the guilty and the innocent. We all know that guilt has strong consequences. Consciously or subconsciously guilt is associated with punishment, jail and a need to serve a sentence.
Guilt also requires judgment, which can lead to shame and embarrassment. Guilt and shame eat away at the body because many people believe that they need to hold on to their guilt in order to be punished. This belief is a form of self sabotage.
Guilt is associated with hip problems, migraines, weight issues, venereal disease, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s Disease, insomnia, sinusitis, impotence, hernia and heart disease. 

Feeling worthless can create depression and fatigue, because of your belief that you can not do anything of value. This often creates severe self criticism and judgment.
When we carry low self esteem and unworthiness the body tends to break down, which can lead to acne, weight problems, diabetes, genital herpes, ovarian cancer, scleroderma, ulcers, warts and memory loss. 

By Inna Segal

19 January 2013

How does massage therapy reduce stress?


To understand how massage therapy can help stress, it is important to understand how stress affects the body.  When the brain senses any kind of stress, various reactions take place to raise the heart rate and blood pressure, tighten the muscles and decrease activity in other areas to conserve energy. Feelings of stress that continue for long periods can have detrimental effects on the body. The solution is to find other ways of dealing with stressors along with using techniques to calm the mind and body. Massage is one of those techniques.

General Benefits

The massage therapy is safe and can help with many symptoms, including stress, depression and anxiety. Part of managing stress is taking time to shift the mind away from everyday worries and to allow the body and mind to relax. The time spent in a massage can be used to focus on relaxing the body. It can promote feelings of being in control over your health and can play an active role in managing chronic illnesses. Many massage techniques are practiced in a quiet and low lit room. Some therapists have soft music in the background and use candles or incense that give off aromas that help the body and mind relax.

Muscular Benefits

Activation of the stress response causes muscles throughout the body to tense up. When the event ends, the muscles relax. However, if stress is constant, the muscles may remain in a slightly tensed state on a regular basis. This can lead to joint aches and pains, headaches, chronic back and neck pain and other symptoms. However, the National Institutes of Health claims that massage therapy can help. A massage therapist can use various techniques to rub, stroke, stretch or apply pressure to the muscles to help them return to a relaxed state, which in turn can reduce stress-related aches and pains.

Immune and Digestive System Benefits

To have the required energy to respond to stress, the body suppresses digestive and immune systems. Circulation is increased to the heart, muscles and lungs and is directed away from areas that are not needed to help in the response. If feelings of stress are chronic, this can lead to decreased immune system activity in general, which increases the risk of colds, flus and immune system diseases. Chronic problems with digestion and elimination can also accompany chronic stress. However, massage can help restore normal circulation, improve immune system activity and play a role in restoring normal digestive system function, according to the Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine and Digestive Center.

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Edit Mezei
Beauty and Healing massage Therapist
Facebook: All about You

03 January 2013

What Can You Expect in 2013?

After the roller coaster 2012, many are looking forward to 2013.                                                            You wouldn’t think that a year could make such a difference but it does. This is because each year has a different Universal Year energy, and obviously the planetary alignments are different, so each year brings new and exciting changes, as well challenges.
The universe works in cycles. Even your personal karma works in cycles. We can use numerology and astrology to predict new cycles and the predominate flavour of the cycle. It helps us plan and utilise these energies to make the most of what the universe has to offer.
So, let’s begin. 2013 is a Universal 6 energy cycle (simply add 2+0+1+3 to get the 6 vibration) and it is such a radical shift from the 5 vibration of 2012. The 5 vibration certainly brought large scale change. We saw a focus on education, enormous change in global finances, riots and revolutions, as well as the lovely technological breakthroughs and the push for freedom.
The theme for the Universal 6 years is ‘follow your vision’.
The qualities of the number 6 centres on love, commitment, family, the home, themes of emotional and financial security, and either an obligation or desire to be of service to family and close friends. It can be a very creative year as well, and a year of incredible medical breakthroughs! The 6 vibration governs counselling, healing, medicine, so watch of for exciting innovations in that field.  It asks us to look at our heart chakra consciousness and find ways to self nurture the self as well as loved ones. During a Universal 6 year many of us will discover that our success and happiness is very much related to our willingness to give of ourselves.
Given that the Universal 5 year was very erratic, many are looking forward to finding a sense of ‘home’. If you are willing to compromise and make adjustments for those special people in your life, this can be a most fulfilling year. As a collective the 6 asks us to take on additional responsibility – taking care of the planet and all life. The pace is a lot slower than last year, and maybe even less adventurous, because we are being called to be of service to each other. In saying that, we will still see riots, revolution and financial mayhem which it’s a carryover from the Universal 5 year since these issues weren’t fully addressed and we still have the Pluto square Uranus energies in the skies. The drive of the 6 to take on a new level of responsibility will helps us to deal with the issues in a different manner – it’s about working together for a common goal. The key is to harmonise and keep things in balance to make the most of the 6 vibration.
Some people will use the 6 energy to fix up the home to make it feel secure and inviting, others open up to counselling loved ones. The focus is on love, relationship and domestic matters both personally and internationally. Business and financial matters will progress more slowly as global economies contract. How will you make adjustments to the responsibilities of the year? You would be wise to focus on how you can create a loving home life environment (and a peaceful global ‘home’) instead of trying to focus on the material aspects of life. Self-reliance and security will become more and more important as the year unfolds.
But the most important theme is ‘to follow your vision’. What is your dream? What can you do to make it happen? The 6 vibration drives us to get in touch with our higher ideals, to dream, to see the bigger picture, let go off and blocks in the heart chakra that stops us from reaching for these dreams. This energy is especially strong in the middle of the year. I will talk about the grand trine astrological aspect that gives us the cosmic push to discover our dreams and how to make them real later in this blog.
Also, please remember that your Personal Year number will be also influencing how you experience the 6 year. For example if you are in a Personal 1 year energy you will experience the Universal 6 year differently to say someone who is in a Personal 9 year.
As with all Universal Years, there is a challenging aspect to a number. The number 6 in detriment will mean that homelessness will be on the rise, more disfranchisement, and relationship breakdowns. Many will get too caught up in their heart chakra wounds to be off service or resent having to be the one to carry responsibilities. People can grow more critical or place impossible expectations on others for example; the search for the ideal love will mean that they could turn love away rather than seeing the imperfections in others as unique learning opportunities for the soul.
International relationships will be tested. Governments will be forced to deal with the financial crisis and how it affects their home. The USA for example will be tested in so many ways during 2013 as it tries to navigate the fiscal cliff.
Earlier I mentioned the Pluto square Uranus alignment. This is the energy that stirred up the revolutions, riots and financial shake ups last year. This two cosmic movers and shakers are coming back to test the collective in May and November to see if we are doing our karmic work or slackening off. Between these two hits globally we can see more financial mayhem and riots but also religious uprisings. Pluto square Uranus will test our faith in things as the global financial meltdown in the background gets us to question what is off true value and what is important to your heart. Well Uranus is in Aries so more youth rebellion to usher in new attitudes and ways of doing things against Pluto in Capricorn which governs banking, finance, big corporations and governments. We had this energy last year but it destabilised many, some felt sluggish and inert, others felt overwhelmed or anxious.
This year we need to deal with these energies differently. It gives us the opportunity to clear our house. Coming from a ‘being of service’ consciousness can help us restore harmony and balance and help each other instead of witnessing further breakdowns. There is a real push towards higher awareness and compassion and to inspire acts of random kindness. It really is a year where the global collective can move towards a sense of community instead of competition.
Thankfully there is a Saturn trine Neptune alignment (June and July) which can help you to plug into your higher vision and make your dreams come true.
How can you work with alignment?
Simply draw these cosmic energies through the crown chakra and down into the heart chakra and blend them with your vision and then take it into the solar plexus to manifest it as a reality.
Just a quick note: when manifesting remember that your thoughts, feelings and subconscious patterns will affect how strong the manifestation will be so be aware of your thoughts and feelings. Clear negative thoughts before manifesting!
The grand trine energy coming through in July can help make riots and revolutions much more constructive. Having a little faith in higher powers or in your visions can make such a difference! It can help us tap into compassion and the energy to create a ‘being of service’ consciousness. Use it to your advantage to strengthen your vision.
There is a t-square in July that may serve to jolt us into action our dreams and to take care of issues instead of trying to escape into the illusion of what we want, or what we are being told is real.
By the end of the year the universe sends rays that can help us to heal on a large scale, a kind of grand finale send off for the 6 vibration before we move into the Universal 7 year.
I wish you all a Happy New Year