21 January 2013

Understanding and healing emotions which cause disease

The interconnection between our unresolved emotions and disease is undeniable.

We know that when we feel stressed, run down, angry and resentful our bodies begin to break down. This is a way they communicate with us, telling us to stop pushing away and start dealing with what is happening.
If we want to have any chance of living happy, healthy lives we can no longer afford to lie to ourselves and to suppress our emotions. However, to deal with our feelings we must first understand what they are and how we created them.
Many people suppress their emotions unconsciously as a protective mechanism, because on some level they feel that they cannot handle the pain and intensity of feelings they are experiencing. They may also not know how to let go of destructive emotions. Emotion is then stored in the body until they find appropriate key to release these.


Resentment is deep hurt that is suppressed and unexpressed, which becomes anger. Often resentment is directed toward a family member or someone close to you. Resentment frequently comes about when you feel that you have been treated unfairly, or taken advantage of.
Long term resentment can lead to tumors, syphilis, osteoporosis, lupus, back pain etc 

Many problems in your body and life occur when you are feeling stuck, inflexible and attached to one point of view. This often takes place when the same thoughts or scenarios play themselves over and over in your mind.
Long-term stuckness or stiffness can lead to varicose veins, sciatica, RSI, rheumatoid arthritis, paralysis, obesity, mouth ulcers, kidney problems and a host of other diseases.

The whole justice system is based on the guilty and the innocent. We all know that guilt has strong consequences. Consciously or subconsciously guilt is associated with punishment, jail and a need to serve a sentence.
Guilt also requires judgment, which can lead to shame and embarrassment. Guilt and shame eat away at the body because many people believe that they need to hold on to their guilt in order to be punished. This belief is a form of self sabotage.
Guilt is associated with hip problems, migraines, weight issues, venereal disease, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s Disease, insomnia, sinusitis, impotence, hernia and heart disease. 

Feeling worthless can create depression and fatigue, because of your belief that you can not do anything of value. This often creates severe self criticism and judgment.
When we carry low self esteem and unworthiness the body tends to break down, which can lead to acne, weight problems, diabetes, genital herpes, ovarian cancer, scleroderma, ulcers, warts and memory loss. 

By Inna Segal

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