21 November 2012

The magician

Learn to trust the Magician and he is sure to help you on your way. If he shows up in your reading then it may well imply that now is the time to explore your limitless inner source of creativity, rather than using your analytical, rational mind. Realize that your own thoughts, words and actions create your reality and this is why it is so very important to trust your own inner Magician and to allow him to help you use all of your internal resources towards creating the life that you desire and to the maximum of your abilities. You are the master of your own destiny and how you choose to live your life is entirely your own responsibility, so why waste any opportunity to make your dreams a reality? Start changing your life today to bring in the new experiences you need in order to reach your personal level of growth and attainment. This is required of you to be able to live in the most fulfilling way possible and to bring you true happiness inside and out. This is why we are here after all, to live the fullest life possible, to be happy and of course, to grow and evolve.

20 November 2012

The Hermit's Advice

The Hermit's Advice

When working on our own personal growth and healing ourselves we can always learn a thing or two by listening to the advice from 'The Hermit' card in the Tarot. When the Hermit appears in our Tarot reading he calls upon us to take time for self discovery through inner reflection. You might benefit from taking some time out of the busy, external world for some 'quiet contemplation' upon your life and of who you are in amongst your own world.
Now, the hermit not only teaches us to withdraw from people and contemplate upon our inner selves, he also teaches us of the importance of being able to strike a balance between the aspects of our higher and lower vibrations. What use is it for us to be attuned to our higher self if we cannot learn to incorporate that understanding into our daily lives and activities? In reality it would be worth nothing! So this aspect of balance is a very important factor here!
On a final note and from the perspective of numerology, The Hermit has been assigned to key 9 in the Tarot. The number 9 represents the end of a cycle, which means that the time is right to let go of old outworn habits, beliefs and patterns of the past. Take advantage of this period by working on the shedding of your old ways and venture off into life in search for a higher purpose.
Remember, you are never alone, The Hermit is there to guide you. He shines his light to show you the way along the path towards reaching higher attainment and enlightenment. He has the answers of the mystery of life we are all striving to find, yet we must learn now how to discover those answers for ourselves otherwise we will always be waiting in wonder!!

Article courtesy of Lotus Tarot library

16 November 2012

End Of The World?


Understand the Mayan culture and the significance behind its infamous calendar. 

The night is cool, the stars are out, and the Moon wears a golden halo. In the hours of darkness that mark the Sacred Round, fires in the ancient Mayan village are extinguished and all pottery broken.

The women and children have been locked up to ensure that they will not turn to wild animals or mice. Mayan eyes await the Pleiades to cross the center of the heavens as the sign that the world will continue for another 52 years. It is natural that hearts and minds waiting together on the night of the Sacred Round were also engaged separately in atonement, in forgiveness, and in vows of renewal to welcome the decades ahead. 

The Sacred Round is a part of the Mayan calendar. December 21, 2012 marks the completion of 104,000 years - a part of four Mayan Great Cycles and the seed moment of a Great Year thatlasts for another 26,000 years

The ancient calendar is a mandala - it is circular. "The beginning is the center, and in that lies an eternity. It is the eternal now, its own compass." (Jose Arguelles). In this light, there is no end, no calendar completion... just a new beginning. The ancient Great Cycle symbolizes evolution, something into a more complex, but better form. 

Can you feel it in the air? No, I do not mean the doomsday predictions, but a sense that this is to be a benchmark year in your life? It is a potential renewal, a time to forgive and to embrace the future. You WILL change. Many of the people around you will as well, because of the increased awareness that what we have is precious. As the ancients realized, the thought of loss raises not only awareness, but thankfulness for all that we have, we are, and will be. 
Remember in times past, comets and the years like 999 or 1999 stirred End Times ink. People were targets of destructiveness, chaos, and victimization by those who take advantage of fear. And each time we awakened to the dawn of a new day. The past has taught us that the world will go on. 

Reference: Muriel Porter Weaver (in "The Aztecs, Maya, and Their Predecessors: Archeology of Mesoamerica - 1972)