16 November 2012

End Of The World?


Understand the Mayan culture and the significance behind its infamous calendar. 

The night is cool, the stars are out, and the Moon wears a golden halo. In the hours of darkness that mark the Sacred Round, fires in the ancient Mayan village are extinguished and all pottery broken.

The women and children have been locked up to ensure that they will not turn to wild animals or mice. Mayan eyes await the Pleiades to cross the center of the heavens as the sign that the world will continue for another 52 years. It is natural that hearts and minds waiting together on the night of the Sacred Round were also engaged separately in atonement, in forgiveness, and in vows of renewal to welcome the decades ahead. 

The Sacred Round is a part of the Mayan calendar. December 21, 2012 marks the completion of 104,000 years - a part of four Mayan Great Cycles and the seed moment of a Great Year thatlasts for another 26,000 years

The ancient calendar is a mandala - it is circular. "The beginning is the center, and in that lies an eternity. It is the eternal now, its own compass." (Jose Arguelles). In this light, there is no end, no calendar completion... just a new beginning. The ancient Great Cycle symbolizes evolution, something into a more complex, but better form. 

Can you feel it in the air? No, I do not mean the doomsday predictions, but a sense that this is to be a benchmark year in your life? It is a potential renewal, a time to forgive and to embrace the future. You WILL change. Many of the people around you will as well, because of the increased awareness that what we have is precious. As the ancients realized, the thought of loss raises not only awareness, but thankfulness for all that we have, we are, and will be. 
Remember in times past, comets and the years like 999 or 1999 stirred End Times ink. People were targets of destructiveness, chaos, and victimization by those who take advantage of fear. And each time we awakened to the dawn of a new day. The past has taught us that the world will go on. 

Reference: Muriel Porter Weaver (in "The Aztecs, Maya, and Their Predecessors: Archeology of Mesoamerica - 1972) 

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